Name: Trojan.Downloader.Agent.RS
會在C:\WINDOWS\system32\     產生 aclayer.dll 及 aclayer.exe

How to remove aclayer error :
The free file information forum can help you find out if aclayer.dll is a virus, trojan, spyware, adware which you can remove, or a file belonging to a Windows system or an application you can trust.

aclayer.dll file information:
The process Router Layer DLL belongs to the software Router Layer by Microsoft Corporation

Description: File aclayer.dll is located in the folder C:\Windows\System32. The file size on Windows XP is 17408 bytes.
This .dll file is a Browser Helper Object (BHO) that runs automatically every time you start your Internet browser. BHOs are not stopped by personal firewalls, because they are identified by the firewall as your browser itself. BHOs are often used by adware and spyware. The unique ID of this BHO is 5EB7CB50-E375-4718-B4C0-9AD12EFA2F84. The program is not visible. It is an unknown file in the Windows folder. File aclayer.dll is able to change the behavior or monitor the Internet Explorer. The service has no detailed description. It is not a Windows core file. Therefore the technical security rating is 74% dangerous.

Important: Some malware camouflage themselves as aclayer.dll, particularly if they are located in c:\windows or c:\windows\system32 folder. Thus check the aclayer.dll process on your pc whether it is pest. We recommend Security Task Manager for verifying your computer's security. It is one of the Top Download Picks of 2005 of The Washington Post and PC World.

  • 解決方法:
(1) 網路上看來的:

1. 按下「開始」,然後按下「執行」。(畫面上便會出現「執行」對話方塊。)
2. 輸入 regedit 然後按下「確定」。(「登錄編輯器」會開啟。)
3. 瀏覽到每一個登錄鍵:


4. 在右窗格中,刪除每一個Downloader.Trojan登錄鍵中,參照偵測到 Downloader.Trojan 的任何檔案的值。
5. 結束並離開「登錄編輯器」。

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進入安全模式    手動刪除檔案或是用掃毒程式刪檔



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